Page 34 - YB1952
P. 34
KATHLEEN McLAUGHLIN S.M. "Kay" . pleasing combination of Oriental beauty, Yankee ingenuity, and W.M.C. spirit noted for graceful Hindu snake dance "Has anybody seen my soc notebook?" Strums a "mellow cello' and "ukebox' to relax ... a P. K. ... perpetually helping orhcr s nrnsr superior. talented on and off stage worker chicken wire tree expert headed for master's in sociology. EUGENE ANTIS MECHTLY 1,2,3,4; Band I, 2. 3; WreJ!/ing; Argo- . recipient of the Harry Clark Jones Physics Award be found pnrrering around in the Physics lab or shop and general handyman. loves outdoor life. proud possessor of a community jeep plays oboe in orchestra, and trumpet in band.. Black and White pirrher and linesman future experi- mental physicist and teacher rape recorder man on the spot. LEROY MELVILLE MERRITT 1,2; Boxing 1; P.T.A. 4; Delta Pi Alpha 2, 3, 4; Econ Club 3, "Elroy" ... Econ major interested in Education of fine foods . Red Hots! Cold Cokes! collector jazz records . qUIet roommate industrious and conscientious preacher main interest is Jean. lin outstanding and lifetime citizen of Ward Hall. loves golf but hares Mole's hillbilly records . skilled blorklayer during summer Dundalk's best dressed man headed for successful business career. EVERETT GEORGE MILLER "Ed' minister transfer from Towson State Teachers College member of Alpha Phi Omega fraternity pastor of Swindell Me- mori~1 Methodi~t Church at W~StpOrt majoring in phil?sophy and religion . Crain's favorite pupil Ed and Eleanor drives "Green Hornet" "Drano" every morning in the grille favorite hobby' eating last one to let yO\! down.
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