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MILLARD GRANT LESCALLETTE ~ ~~ JULES JOSEPH LEViN Psychology major-economics minor, has lived in three men's dormitories for at least one year, , , always seen with Hank, even in senior "required" English basketball enthusiast enjoys all spans , plans future in the business field with liberal education background trips to Baltimore for Coast Guard Reserve, DOROTHY ROSEMARIE LIEN laughs freely at almost anything worry? what for! a big night OUt in the rec" easy going but efficient the Delta "A date? Are you kidding?" "I don't even like you anymore" gives original paintings for wedding pres "Anyone wnnt to go on a bear hunt?" VICTORIA ISABEL LlESTER Glee C/1J.b 1, 2; F.T.A. 4, "Vickie" a Hampsreader, proud Correll County farm switched from Music to English science minor chief cook at Cassell Hall her Freshman ye~r known for her Mother's good food pnze procrasnnaror , spent a semester in the Ed, Dcpr and plans to teach, , , always willing to listen to peoples' troubles "Stop down awhile" a true friend
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