Page 27 - YB1952
P. 27
JANET ELIZABETH HIGH Hockey 3, 4; Basketball 3; Sigma Sigma Talt, treasurer 4 "Janet" ... blue eyed blonde who's always in a hurry. abandoned Boston University for \"X'estem Maryland .. abandons Wcstern Mary- land on weekends for horne and Sonny . math wizard experr hockey player. patronizes telephone system in weekly call to Reisrers- thinks it's a waste of money to rent a POSt office box yeah student of home economics for "Sonny" future belongs to "early to bed, late to rise dub". EMILY JEANE HOYT French Club; ET.A. 3, 4; Tri Beta 4; Phi \VA.A., otce-presidetu 4; Basketball 1, 2, Softbalf 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball i, 3, 4. "jeanc" Orr's other half phys. ed whistle plans to combine teaching and been everywhere . lover of sports, Alph coach "Anybody want frequently seen in labs. pillar of "1 know 1 flunked that one." WILLIAM DAVID HUDDLE "Pat" Williamspon's favorite son . W.M.C.·s final authority on hill-billy music heads Death Valley Gang never lets Easy forget his phonograph drives Fleischer insane with Dixieland jazz proud of Lutheran heritage one of the mort: enthusiastic members of the Gamma Bets math major, yet consistent Dean's Lister spent past summer touring U. Ei with Burnside loyal unrecon- structed Confederate "Peasants" "Peons" CHARLES WILLIAM IMMLER Gamma Beta ChI; French Club; Econ Club; Men.'s Glee Club; ALOHA. "Chuck" world traveler and Orienral linquisr . . international authority on the Art of Living . a good-time Charlie "How 'bout coming up to my room?" pilots a green Pontiac with DAV75 tags the business man of the Gamma Bets Econ major plans to continue survey of foreign "customs" after graduation of firm convictions, Chuck enjoys debunking "the old school" "St!lIion!'
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