Page 32 - YB1952
P. 32
KATHARINE LOOSE Sigma Sigma Tall, "Cassie" petite blonde with University of Maryland and hold private lessons .. the Navy .. should get a p'ltem on that laugh of food loves to ice-skate and never seems to JOHN C. LOPER "Jack" a Sykesville Special Biology major winner of the Hendrickson Award 1950-5L plans graduate work in future after tour with Army proficiency plus in ROTC. acute intellect . culm, unruffled remperamem . a joker ... financial wizard of GOLD BUG dependable member of the Pi Alpha Alpha smcet-rty arrracnve to OPPOSI(C sex "Learned something new FAION LEONARD LOTT Gamma Be/a Chi; Prencb Cleb. "Fish' Navy vet. history major . rwo years commuter his Buick was a sure ride to Baltimore alumnus of Baltimore Junior College . connoisseur de
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