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DONALD R MAKOSKY 'NM'illlger English major quiet manner often deceptive dresser .. loves to work and eat .. a Hogan on the greens 'This college needs some left-handed desks" power over WOmen shown in Junior Follies a boyish grin and a mellow bari- 'Let's go full of determination and zip. VICTOR JOSEPH MAKOVITCH 4; A welcome gift from Elmira, New York "Vic" an ccon major one of the finest ever to represent the Green and Gold on the Gridiron. member of Delta Pi Alpha and" wears its colors in intra- mural softball, volleyball, and track fine fellow who delves occasionally in the "tea" business for W.M,C. ERNEST JAMES MAKOWSKI, JR. De/fa Pi Alpha, president 4; BtlJketb(dt 3, 4; ll11erJratemit}' Coenoil. Graduate of Southern hill Econ major varsity basketball ream and softball player and charming wife football fan great guy! JAMES TOLLY MARSH, JR. in thesis, antithesis, and synthesis plans to work for the government
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