Page 30 - YB1952
P. 30
HENRY EDGAR LANDY 1, 2, 3, 4; lmramura! Softball 1, 2, 3, 4; Intra- "Hank" . eccn major preparing to enter business field where there's Hank, there's Jules . sports enthusiast. interest In SpOftS as specrator, as well as participant claims City College as high school Alma Mnrer is sure to succeed because of hard drive and pleasant personality ERNESTINE LANGRALL Pbi Alpha Mu, i1lfcrJor;ty 3, alumni secretary 4 'Tine" one of Dr. Earp's chosen few a quiet pensive thinker favorite food-Bivalve oysters member of rhe Wednesday Club "Is rhere a fourth?" possessor of a ticket to the mess hall at Indian Town Gap. . everything is JUSt Dan-dy that infectious laugh often heard in the Grille. master of any crossword puzzle "What's a four letter word beginning with B?" NANCY LEE LAWSON FrC1lch Club 1; WeJleyaltettcs 2, 3; F.T.A. 3. Petite red head who hails from the Eastern Sho' known for her characteristic giggle and ready smile even luughs at roommate's jokes! spent first semester of senior year practice teaching at Hump- stead ... plans to go back to Eastern Shore to teach . loves the South, especially Tennessee and North Carolina always did like the Army "Let's go down [Q Griffin's!" llONEL LEE Gamma Beta Chi; S.C.A. I, I, 2, 3, 4; S.G.A. 2; Tr;·Bel
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