Page 26 - YB1952
P. 26
JOAN VIRGINIA HAMPEL "jeanie Lou" . most confused schedule on campus "Why does Miss Shipley laugh at my drawings?" "boopie" mad for dangle earrings "You know what they say in Russia, don't you? . giggle to set everyone laughing will make a perfect sweater yet oddest sleep-study habits only cruel roommates can keep her awake . 'The sun does come up at 5 o'clock" constant cracker muncher WALTER ALFRED HART 2, 3, 4,' Baseball I; Delta Pi Al-pba 2, treasurer 3, W:tlt" Alkie's roommate member of the "Southern High Clan" economic major. member of varsiry basketball team for four years and captain of fccrball reum treasurer and president of Delta Pi Alpha hobbies-e-bridge, dancing, bun sessions, girls, golf, and French. one of Miss Snader's Trois Mousqueraires owner of that "36·Nash·· "I'Il only play for an hour". MARY HAWKINS Mu, chaplain 4; FTA.; GOLD BUG 3: sports a lieutenant's bar homeward bound every week- "I can't, I'm going to play practice" can dramatize anything caught vear-book-icis . added sarcasm to idealistic personality sincere love for poetry and drama . deeply rooted affection for Raggedy Ann "Hey, Dixon, what can I borrow today?" Let's slum it famous packages from home better hurry, it's a call from Benning RUTH ANN HICKS WesleyaJletter I; Canterbury Club 2; [nnior Follin. "Hkkie" never at a loss for words .. year round inhabitant of W.M.C. . has a fatal fascination for the Army a soc major with domestic talent proud of her architectural connection with the Hill always willing to lend (I helping hand ... 'That's a panic" .. dancing is a second nature interest in children will lead to good work in elementary school teaching.
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