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Company A ROTC With the current defense mobilization plans of During the first two years the cadet studies such our government almost on a par with that of subjects as map rifle marksmanship, first World War II, our Infantry R.OT.C. unit on the aid, organization of and assembly-disassern- Hill is playing a vital and highly important role of the various Army weapons. Then if the in the lives of most male students. For it is in proves that he is capable of continuing on this department, which is celebrating its thirty- with the advance course he goes deeper into the second year at Western Maryland, that future study of tactics, transportation, communication, Army officers gain their basic spurs gunnery, supply, teaching methods, and many more How does one become a commissioned officer phases that add polish to the future officer. in the Infantry Reserve through R.O.T.C.? The The proving ground for the R.o.T.C. cadet answer would be this; that the Government has set usually comes during the summer between his up a training program that fits in closely with the junior and senior years. Here the student applies student's other academic studies which can be what he has learned in class during a six-week taken regardless of the individual's major or field period of intensified training at some Army base. of interest. The student enters the basic course To the amazement of many cadets they remem- which runs during his freshman and sophomore bered quite a few of their lessons as they are put years. This basic course is also required by the through their first taste of Army life and given College for graduation. At the end of the second the confidence rhar future officers need year the Cadet may enrer the advanced course, For the past few Infantry Airborne troops which is taken as an elective and finished out in have been training cadets of this college when his junior and seniors years. Upon completion of they attended summer In the Paratroopers this four year course and a brief six week tour of it's hustle, hustle, hustle the way, and after a summer camp, the student receives the tirle ro hot, dusty and crowded l8 hour day the 'ole sack' wear the gold bars of a Second lieutenant, Infan- looks very good. However, all the days aren't the 18 hour affairs, and the student-soldier on his off try Reserve. 126
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