Page 122 - YB1952
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The "Preachers" arrived back on campus deter- care of the arrangementS and Chuck Hammaker mined to make this year more meaningful than acted as emcee. After a delicious steak dinner AI any previous one. Our initiation of twelve new Trevethan entertained on the piano and was fol- members in the fall boosted our enrollment to lowed by Jack Molesworth who did a colorful monologue. Our guests included Dr. Holthaus, fony First 00 the spons schedule was touch football Professor Hurt, Coach Havens, Dr. Hendren, Mr. with much competition between the frats. Delta Rice, and our Dr. Marshall. Following Pi Alpha came our second best, but an inspired their pleasant talk, of new officers took team under Coach An Press turned in a fine per- place and we also said farewell to our graduating formance. OUf fraternity deemed it a high honor president, Ernie Makowski and a real privilege to welcome all visiting teams Decorations for the Pan-Hellenic Dance were to (he "Hill" during the year. handled efficiently by the club members who Wimer saw the fraternity cop the pennant in rounded off another page of history in the knight's the intramural basketball league with excellent book of events by completing a very successful playing and sideline advice from Mentor Walt thanks to the participation and cooperation Haft. Sports, in general, had a terrific year in all the members involved the club. First semester officers: Delta, Ernest Makowski; A white Christmas effect on the outside as well Vire-Delra, jeck Molesworth; Alpha, Alton Davi- as on the inside of Gill Gym presented the scene son; Bera, Walrer Hart; Gamma, Michael Remko; for the Holly Hop with everyone dancing Mound Epsilon, Bruce Rudisill; Corresponding Secretary, the rree to larry Abel's music. Jim Marsh acted Donald Wussmann. Second semester officers: Delta, as general chairman wirh Andy Rusinko handling Walter Hart; Vice-Delta, Alton Davison; Alpha, Michael Renrkc; Beta, Gilbert Stange; Gamma, refreshments In January the annual banquet was held at Pete Warner; Epsilon, Edward Kelly; Correspond- Shortie's in littlestown, Pa. Le Roy Merritt took ing Secretary, Richard Carvel Lell to right: J. Molesworth, G. Stange, A. Davison, W. Hart. M. Renrko, P. Warner 118
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