Page 124 - YB1952
P. 124
The September roll call was answered by a small the Phi Alpbs, although 'Zepp's Folly" floundered group of Gamma Beres, who, in spite of their lack as a financial project, our sisters were stunned with in number, pitched in with the rradirionnl spirit their noisy rubber dolls. to complete an ambitious Fall schedule. With the A full social program was enjoyed by all of the help of their Phi Alpha Mu sisters, rhe members members this year. Several successful parties high- succeeded in providing an outstanding Homecom- lighted [he everyday pleasure of fraternal associa- ing Dance for Western Maryland smdems and tions on campus. Intramural athletics were sup- alumni, and found time to contribute a float and ported wholeheartedly by Gamma Beta Chi, as the display to the Homecoming activities. During club furnished strong competition in the fmr the year rhe clubroom was improved by the addi- league, The coming spring finds the members in tion of new furniture, constfllction of an attrac- high hopes of duplicating last year's rriurnphs in tive television corner, and the hanging of new warm weather spOrts. drnperies. A very successful smoker to acquaint The Gamma Beres were fortunate in having, brothers and non-members was highlighted by ;1 for the sixth consecutive year, Dr. Lloyd SU(lughn speech by Coach Dick Harlow, Eleven new mem- serve (IS advisor, the members arc extremely grilte- bers were received into the fraternity and enjoyed ful to "Dor" for his outstanding advice and guid- a Hell never dreamed of by Dame, in the privilege ance. First semester officers were: President, Ira of refinishing the clubroom floor. Zepp; Vice-President, Pat Huddle; Secretary, Dick The boys again made "Merry Christmas' a Stone; Treasurer, Bill Callas; Sergeant-at-Arms, Gamma Bcre byword by hustling Christmas Card Jim Gordon; Beta Pi, Jim Sullivan. Second semes- sales ;lffiong the student body, and a needy West- ter the officers were: President, Par Huddle; Vice- minster family shared their Christmas with a bas- President, Jim Sullivan; Secretary, Jim Muller; ker prepared by the members. The season festivi- Treasurer, Bill Callas; Se-geam-ar-Arms, Ira Zepp; ties reached a peak at the club's nnnunl parry for Beta Pi, Stu Abrahams. rBX 120
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