Page 119 - YB1952
P. 119
INTERFRATERNITY COUNCIL The Inrerfrarerniry Council consists of the four fraternity functioning. fraternity presidents and a senior and junior rep- The Intersororiry and Interfraternity Councils resentative from each fraternity. Four major offices work with the other to form the Pan-Hellenic are tilled by a yearly rotation of officers Council. This Council planned the Pan-Hellenic imerfrarerniry, under the allspices of the Inter- Dance in May fraternity Athletic Council, set up an intrnmural The Frank B. Hurt Scholarship Cup was sports program, and in addition to its routine awarded to Pi Alpha Alpha again this year. Under Function of regulating biddings and smokers, con- the capable leadership of our faculty advisor, Dean tinued the Annual Bridge Tournament, innovated Free, we review a year of hard work well done. lasryear This year's council was marked with enthusiasm The year's activity centered around the forma- and cooperation. The finale of the year's activity tion and ratification of an efficient and workable will be climaxed at the Methodist Church in West- constitution for the Council. Now in its complete minster when the annual Interfraternity banquet form, it should prove a tremendous essec for Inter- will be held. us
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