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With the development of the character of the Westminster. Five baskets were procured and dis- individual through scholarship, sporrsrnanship, and tributed by the members. social activity as their primary objective, the A of dub members donated blood [Q rbe "Bachelors" completed their 28th year on campus Red early in January. Later in the rnonrh, with an admirable record. the semi-annual Banquet was held to elect new The annual Smoker was held in November to officers for the Spring term. The February sweet- better acquaint non-fraternity members with the heart Ball was sponsored by the Club with the Club Room and the Fraternity members. Dean theme of an Alpine Winter Carnival. Decora- Free, Mr. Havens and Professor Hurt spoke to the tions included an Alpine Lodge with a window group on the value of fraternal relationships and overlooking the scenic ski of the Alps. A clarified the meaning of fraternities in general to Carnival Queen was elected awarded a silver college students. loving cup. The days preceding Homecoming found the Other organized social activities of the year in- Bachelors more active than usual, consrrucring a cluded the Chrisnnas party, the Spring party and float for the parade and a mechanical slide rule banquet and rhe Bechclor-Delr party. display which received Honorable mention. An The officers for the Fraternity were: for the lSI Open House was held Saturday afternoon and an semester: Paul Welliver, Alpha; Marvin Seigel, Active-Alumni Banquet Saturday night. An in- Vice-Alpha; John Haller, Gamma; Bill Jones, Tau; formal Alumni Association was formed which Joe Deering, Chaplin, and Joe Eline, Sergennr-ee- plans to meet each year at the Homecoming Arms. Second semester officers included: John Banquet. Haller, Alpha; Bill Jones, John Wil- Members of the Fraternity, together with the helm, Gamma; Joe Eline, Tau; Edwards, sister sorority, the Delrs, solicited funds to pur- Chaplin; and Myron Brodie, Sergeam-at-Arms chase Thanksgiving baskets for needy families of Standing, lell to right: ]. Edwards,]. Wilhelm, W. Jones, AI. Siegel,). Eline, M. Brodie. Sitting: J. Haller, P. Welliver 116
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