Page 118 - YB1952
P. 118
Left to right; A. Philips, C. Mangels, C. Wiesenbach, M, Shawn, C. Reed, D. Bliss, N, Wagner, J. Grube, M, Munch, C. Schofield, S, Griffin, N. Hughes, J- Hample, P. Ray. INTERSORORITY COUNCIL The Inrersororicy Council consists of the four Westminster. At Christmas time, the lnrersoror- sorority presidents, vice presidents and the junior ity served food to the caroling seniors representatives. The offices rotate yearly in an Conrrnry to the usual procedure, the basketball established order. This Council in conjunction tournament was held in the fall, but the bridge with rhe Interfraternity makes IIp the Pan Hel- tournament, rush teas and parties went according lenic Council [Q schedule rhis spring This year the Inrersororiry sponsored the rradi- tional Sadie Hawkins dance in Blanche Ward gym tss Semester 2nd Semester In November the Council held a tea and at this Pres. Reed,C. W. Kohl, D,] rime Dr. Ensor presented the Delta Sigma Kappa Vice Pres. - Schofield, C. Munch,M. Sorority with the Scholastic Cup. Also the COlIn- Sec-Trees. Shawn,M.B. Hampel,] cil gave a Thanksgiving basket [Q a family in Social Dir. - Lien, 0 Neei,N 114
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