Page 126 - YB1952
P. 126
September, 1952, and the beginning of a new with a Greek Santa Claus. Their present [Q us year was marked with new emhusiasm under the was a milch needed punch bowl, which we greatly leadership of our first-semester Roland appreciated. We rounded our the first semester Fleischer. He ........ns by commemorating Robert E. Lee's with the mid-year dance which we renamed "the dent, Cilrl Charles Albert; Isaac; ration Ball" The dance was a success with Treasurer, Donald Smith; Gene the plantation water fountain. The sue- Mechtly;Masterof During the imerfraternity season, we cess of the dance was celebrated at our semester found ourselves the season in second place, banquet with "filling dinners" being defeated only the Bachelors. Entering Beginning with the new semester, things again into [he festivities of Homecoming, we cooperated looked up with the election of new officers: Presi- with the Bachelor's for the pep rally and won sec- dent, Donald Smith; Vice-President, Mike Chiri- ond prize with our float. All of rhis, plus our Corresponding Roger Ault; Rec- work with the concessions, helped to make the Treasurer, Daniel weekend a huge success Landefeld; Master After Homecoming, eleven new pledges were gained and we began a new tradition with the tasks we undertook this sernes- substitution of "help' for 'hell" week. Their work rer was being in of the refreshments at the can still be seen in rbe where the signs point Pan Hellenic Dance om the sections for arrangements The fraternity will surely feel the [05S of the During the first part December, the frater- eighteen seniors who graduate this year To them nity gave the Sigmas a Christmas party, complete we say, "Farewell". Lell 10 riKh!: C. Alben, K. Shook, R. Ault, M. Chirigos, 0 Smith, R. Fleischer, C. Sturgill, J- Isaac, G. Mechdy, H. Mac Teet. 122
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