Page 117 - YB1952
P. 117
\'(Iith the beginning of another school year, the Black and \'(Ihite's annual parry and at our own Sigmas were back and ready for another fruitful Christmas celebration. year. As president, Corinne Schofield had able With a new slate of officers and a new semester, nssisrarus in MarvinĀ» Munch, vice-president, Dot- five new "skunks" were added. The second semes- tie Sboemaker, secretary, and Berty Callender, ret officers were Marvina Munch as president, treasurer. Eighteen new "skunks" were admitted Betty Callendar, vice-president, Doris Corbin, with the fnll bidding. secretary, and Janet High as treasurer As Homecoming arrived, the Sigmas were pre- With rhe tea and Sigma Circus, plus a com- pared to greet 250 guests, and also to receive the plete redecoration of the clubroom, graduation award lor the best display. Again this year, we rime came quickly. At this time we found OUf- sold birthday calendars in order to buy CARE serves saying goodby to out sisters for another packages. Santa came to see us twice-c-ar the year. 113
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