Page 115 - YB1952
P. 115
"Hot Dogs on Second" "The Phi Alphs "Hey, remember the faculty imirarions at the never put enough mayonnaise in their (Una fish" Phi Alph rush patty" "Golly, I never ate so (but they always come back for more! ) This much in my life" Yes, we remember and we is juse one thing we'll remember "I heard they also remember thinking that our girls are pretty were all going independent" Yes, bidding- talented. No one can play the uke like Marge to quare a well-used phrase, was hectic-but every Cherry, and as far as singing, panromine and moment of worry and depicting rumors behind dancing goes-well, there are tOO many to name. closed doors was worth it. OUf rwenry-six new We couldn't have asked for a better leader of members of the calf variety surpassed our expecta· the herd than Char Reed. She was always there rions and immediately showed their spirit by help- whether we needed some snow to PUt on the ing with our Homecoming display-and who can Stars we made for the Gamma Bet dance or ever forget that anuretic morning when in spite of whether we JUSt needed someone who would listen the wind and snow, we finally stood back and sur- to us blow off steam veyed (and why nor admit it was good! ) the our- Those of us who nre leaving feel that this past all the paint, wire, cardboard and-cut year has been the most successful in our history fingers. The war orphan we sponsored (by selling the Then, before we realized it-Christmas came, sandwiches and we all pur enough mayonnaise and the Gamma Bets, as they have in years past, on rhem! ) was JUSt one of Our projects. Although again proved that their parties are something to we can't help but feel a little empty when we be long remembered. Who may we ask, could look back and remember all being a member of have a nicer group of brothers? OUf party in the the Phi Alphs entails, we feel confident that we clubroom . complete with Smm Claus was are leaving the future of the sorority in the very another highlight of one year. best of hands. 111
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