Page 113 - YB1952
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First ro/IJ; ]. Aulthouse, L. Kuhn, N. Wagner. Second rOI/I; S. Griffin, M. Shawn, J Hample, P. Crawford. As the teres begin another year at W.M.C. we their room and we decorated with umbrella and find that some changes have been made. First the usual paraphernalia for such an occasion. We of all the dub room has been redecorated with held our annual Christmas banquet at Hoffman's, freshly painted walls, new rugs, and a new lamp. and enjoyed a tremendous feed. At the Christmas Our pride and joy, the S.C.A. sorority award, looks party, we treated our dub room to a huge new like a million dollars on our radio. This year we wall mirror. arc sponsoring a scholarship for a needy student, Our tea was fun, both to attend nnd prepare for as we did lasr year. The project was plenty of Some of us rr.annged to have fun even in the work last year, but we feel that the effort is well clean up process. We plan to hold out rush party spent. at Big Pipe Creek Park again this spring. The Agflin, something new we initiated nine roller skating always proves to be fun, what with germs this fall They ran around with the falls and laughs and good feeling among all "measles", blackened faces, and really looked as May, and the end of the year will find us giving bad as germs. In spite of all the initiation fun a party for our departing seniors and saying good- and mess, we got a fine bunch of girls and we bye to all of the underclassmen until next fall are proud of them This year has been a good one for the Iores Social functions remain about the same as al- the spirit of the club has been at an all time high ways. One item on our agenda proved to be and we feel that next year promises even bigger different. We held a shower for our sponsor, and better things for our club Mrs. Milton Huber Joyce and Betty contributed 109
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