Page 111 - YB1952
P. 111
Dear Delrs the picnic and games at Harvey Srone Park for It is hard fo, us to express our real feelings the fifteen energetic "lirde ones" the three regarding the sorority and how much it has meant new girls entering at mid-semester getting to us throughout the years; but using this lose acquainted at the Freshmen Tea the rush at year an example, we'll tell you some of the Homecoming; seeing old faces; keeping the wind things we'll always remember. and snow from smothering our display the To begin-the six new members who joined us one brown leaf on our ivy plant "but it goes in September our hike together over the 50 well with our color scheme" our brothers' campus on pledge night the head-first fal! of p;l.rty for LIS and the fun we had recording voices Donie Lien the cold, clear water nr the rush eight more marriages of alumnae and eiglH pany winning the Scholastic Cup at [he Inrer- more pickle forks to go six engagements and sorority Tea our new advisor, Mrs. James and extra poundage in candy and weight "bur it the help she's been throughout the year seems like yesterday that I was curator for the delicious dinner at our Birthday Benquer and Dr week" 'before we get TV., we'd better replace Wills with his boutonniere the jolly Santa rhat our 1927 vic" all in white at the Senior ban- Jo played at tbe Christmas party (even though quet in May Sisters always working together, we all SOrt of guessed who it was) the bright ever loyal, ever faithful. red hassock given 10 us by the Baby Delrs the Dele love, basket of food for the Cihldren's Aid Society and Yom Sisters 107
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