Page 68 - YB1951
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GOLD BUG EDITORIAL STAFF mals added to the usual confusion of paper, Editor-in-Chie/ Nancy Lee Winkelman pencils, glue, clippings, and old issues. Associate Editor Louis Pietro forte But the staff managed to meet deadlines, Managing EdilOl Alice Yearlev incorporate a new adviser and instruct aspiring News Editor June Beaver reporters. More important still the}' conducted Feature Editor Jane Mcl.eod eever al campus campaigns through a series of Sports Editors Keith Radcliffe, Bob Wilson editorials, feature and news articles. Back Page Editor Stanley Bcwlsbey And then carne Homecoming. Completely con- Copy Editor Phillip Kable vinced that it was impossible, the editors and Exchange Edilor Doris Lee Phillips reporters succeeded in setting an all time record Typing Editor Joyce Schmidt -8 pages and 10,000 copies. Thai is only half the story however. Worried faces and dark BUSINESS STAFf circles were just beginning to disappear when- Business Managers Betty Lovelace, Larry Bailey Stop the pressl-c-they had to start over again. Advel'lt:~ing Mal/agel' William Rhoads But all the congratulations and praise were Circulation: Managers Peggy Brown, Jay Eggly worth every bit of extra effort. At Christmas time an under-class staff presented "When is the GOLD BUG coming out again?" the campus with a green GOLD Buc decorated "Isn't it time for another issue of the paper?" with red Santa Clauses. They got experience in The staff of the student publication worked hard coping with deadlines, cuts and printing prob- this year to keep up such interest. They wanted lems, whieh were invaluable when they became students to continue asking about the paper. editors second semester under Stan Bowlsbey as Often, however, this earnest purpose wasn't Editor-ill-Chief. noticeable. Staff meetings and make-up nights With their last issue in Ianuary, the senior in the new office generally sounded more like staff members stepped down. four years of fun social gatherings. Music from thc Rec room next and hard work had been spent making the COLD door added to this illusion. A fine set of mineral BUG a 1rue student publication. They wish euc- specimens and a collection of many legged ani- cees and good luck to the new staff. First row: June Beaver, Alice Yearlcy, .Larry B~iJey, Nancy Win.kelman, Lou ~icLrofortc. Second row: .John Haller, SUI Rhoads, Maurice Cuhbcrly, Bob Wilson, KeIth Radcliffe, Phd Kable, DOllie Phillips, Jay Eggly, Stan Bowlshey, Jane Mcl.eod. 64
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