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STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASSOCIATION Last spring, under the leadership of Bill Simp- the attention of the students through a regular son, president; Mickie Rupert, vice-president; GOLD Buc column and bulletin board notices. Tom Page, secretary; and Sonya Wine, treas- The classes and several organizations sponsored urer; the newly elected Student Council started original pep rallies before each football game, laying the ground work for this vear's activities thus contributing to the school-wide spirit. with a campus-wide opinion poll regurding the Students participuted directly in Student Gov- question of cheating. ernment business through monthly meetings in During the year they have carried out this Alumni Hall. project in conjunction with H faculty committee Homecoming, wbich launched the Mid-Century to draw up an experimental honor system. The Advance Program, WHS the high point of fall Council studied the systems at other colleges and activities. Under the leadership of a special COJll- discussed the matter along with other representa- miuee chosen from the student body at IHrge, tives at the Student Government conference in all campus orgnnixations produced all all time Washington, D. C. The process has been slow, high in campus displays and enthusiasm. but the Council hopes that such a system may be The students' own campaign to raise money included in the Constitution in future years. for the Advance Program began in February. A The summer months found the Student COUll" special committee from the student body carried cil working with the S.C.A. on a complete revi- thi~ with the support of the four class organi- sion and reorganization of the Student Hanrl- aauons. book. This booklet was designed to serve as a Second semester found the Council working on campus guide to all students and especially to amendments to the Constitution and a oonfinu- Freshmen, who were further oriented to campus ance of other activities. This included a file of life through the Freshmen Week activities. al! campus org-anization officers, which was com- Once the new students had joined ill the spirit piled for student use and kept with the College and activities of the campus, the Council aimed Calendar. for student interest ill their government and a A lovely May Day celebration terminated closer cooperation between campus organian- activities under this year's Council. tions. News of Council actions were brought to 65
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