Page 40 - YB1951
P. 40
PHI ALPHA MU Back on the Hill once more, the Phi Alph's Charlotte Janney, president; Mary Ruth Wil- started this year by welcoming Miss O'Rourke as liams, vice-president; Phyllis Smith, secretary; our new spOllsor. First semester officers were Alice Yearley, treasurer; Mary Jean Rupert, chaplain; Jane Babylon, sergeant-at-anus: and First row: Alice Ycadcv, Mickt:y Rupert. Libby D'I\'i~, Donna Kohl, ulumnae secretary. Charlofle Janney. Secolld r(/w; Emcsline LangraU, Anna After the entrance of our twenty nell' "calves" Lee Park, NUIl{;Y Phillipe, Phyllis S'llith, ,'Iury Ruth into the sorority, we spent much of our time Williains Third row; Charlot!'" Reed, JU!lC Babylon, Donna Kohl working on Pegasus, a paper mnche horse, £01 which we received honorable mention at Home- coming. As Christmas vacation drew neil I' we attended a party given us by our Gamma Bet brothers and our own party in the clubroom. Throughout lhe year we continued 1.0 support our war orphan. At our formal banquet in .lunuary second semester officers Mary Ruth \,!illiams, president; Libby Davis, vice-uresident ; Nancy Phillippe, secre"tary; Alice Yearley, treasurer; Phyllis Smith, chaplain; Charlotte Heed, sergeant-at- arms; and Janice Zaiser, alumnae secretary, were installed. After the annual tea and hobo rush party came our senior banquet in May which closed another year in the history of Phi Alpha Mu. 36
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