Page 39 - YB1951
P. 39
First roio: Althousc, Beaver, Bond, Brocklebank, Buchman, Bmr, Chamberlin, Crawford, Debow Dennison, Criffin, Hampel, Kulin, Logan, Nitnlt:ycr, Nixdorf, Phillips, Puis. Third nJlIl; Heck, Rem~burg, Schmidt, J., Schubert, Shawn, Shivers, Shook, Simpson. Four/h row: Sumn-ers, Topalian, \VeYbrighl, \vilcy, K., Wilson. WinniJcrg, WorJen. IOTA GAMMA CHI September, and another year began for all the annual rush party at Big Pipe Creek Park. Iotes. First semester officers were June Beaver, AL the end of n successful yeaI' we said fare- president; Jean Dennison, vice-preaident ; Betty well to seven of our members with a party in Shivers, recording secretary; Martha Buchman, their honor. corresponding secretary; Amy Chamberlin, treasurer; Henna Nixdorf, historian; and Mary Belle Shawn, intersorority representative. rail activities included welcoming twelve new "germs" and a new sponsor, Mrs. Milton Huber, a former member. A prize willning display-a race track on Dr. Ensor's lawn-was our contri- bution to Homecoming festivities. Our annual Christmas banquet at the HolTman House was a huge success. Second semester officers were Martha Buch- man, president; Betty Shivers, vice-president ; Mary Belle Shawn, recording secretary; Pat Crawford, corresponding secretary; and Sally Griffin, lntersorority representative. In February we received three new members. Spring plans included the tea in March and our 35
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