Page 35 - YB1951
P. 35
rNTRAMURAL FOOTBALL Klleelillg: F. Ligorano, mgr-, A. Press, H LtFew. S"",diflg: E. Toman. E. Makowski, A. Pieetzner, 1'. llQbolin. lege for Women, Towson Stale Teachers' Col- Seniors for the claes championship after both lege, and Mt. St. Joseph's. The team bowed only teams defeated the Freshmen and Sophomore to Notre Dame in the first game of the season teams. and came through victorious in the last three. With a one win over four losses record it The interest instigated by the interscholastic would seem that the "Baby Green Terrors" had successes created even more spirit among the 1\ bad season last fall-but the fact that the win interclass teams. The Juniors trounced the was over Johns Hopkins University offsets all of the losses. Under coach and former varsity standout, Leo Lathroum and Frank Ligorunc, line-coach, the lV.'s played four teams straight without a winner, until the final game with Hopkins. The season discovered plenty of talent fOJ next year's varsity including backs E{I Kelley, Howard Zimmerman, and Arnold Needleman; ends, Pat Rogan and "Dusty" Mur tinclli; and linemen such as "Skip" Behrens, Jim Muller, and Dick Carvel, all of whom promise to put up a good ficht for first string berths next year. The Preachers once again WOIl the intramural football championship winning every game in which they patricipated. A freshman team, the Eagles, were tied for second place with the Cornets, another lrosh team. The Black and Whiles finished third. The Preachers were coached by Frank Ligorano and Sian Fleldman. Outstanding on the team were Joe Keenan, Harry LeFew, and Ernie Makowski.
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