Page 38 - YB1951
P. 38
r(Jw: Ada"'s, Amoss, Arnold, Bachtell, Beck. Benson, Bli~$, D.. l31iss, K. Second row: Crothers, Dixon, Ebert, Harlow, Hich, Hisl", Hyde. Third row; Kerns, Klinefelter, Kompanek. Lau>:. Lien. Litsch, Patterson, Pfout~. Fourth. row: Hillehart, Schanze, Stephens, Walker, Weigele, Weisenbach, Wilkes, Wine, DELTA SICMA KAPPA "Hey, look at that red and white striped wall been dyed and we have a new fed rug?" and the new lamps and tables. I'd hardly recog- "You know, we've really had a lot of good nixe the old place." limes with the Bachelors this year, We've had "Yes, the Delts have really done some decorat- several parties with them; in fact, we even made ing. Did you notice that all the slip covers have cleaning up after the May Day dance fun by serving them breakfast. The improved appear. ance of our clubroom is due in a large part First row: Nancy Walker, Doreen Stevens, Sonya Wine, to them." An!;ela Crothers. Seco"rl row; Jeanne Dixon, Belly "But how about your budget? Didn't that help Harlow, Jannie Benson, Dedic Arnold, DOllie Lien. Mary Laux you to save for clubroom improvement?" "That budget has given us a lot of laughs but we've stuck 10 it and it has really worked." "One thing, let me tell you, if you want to lose weight just try one of the Delts' social projects for this year. It's very effective!" First semester officers: Angela Crothers, presi- dent; Sonya Wine, vice-president: Dorothy Arnold, secretary; Kathy Bliss, treasurer; Dorothy Lien, sergeant-at-arms. Second semester officers: Sonya Wine, president ; Dorothy Lien, vice-preaident ; Janice Benson, secretary; Betty Harlow, treasurer; Mary Laux, sergeant-at-arms. 34
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