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PAN HELLENIC COUNCIL The Pun Hellenic Council is made lip of the that will remain in the possession of the winning lntersororitv and Interfraternity Councils. Four fraternity. The Frank B. Hurt Scholarship cup major offices arc filled by the rotation of officers. was awarded Lo Pi Alpha Alpha. A Male Glee lotersorority Council consists of a president, Club hns been started und is open to all the men. vice-president, and junior representative, while Both councils joined together in the planning Interfraternity Council consists of the four fra- of the Pan Hellenic Dance in May. The Council teruiry presidents and a senior and junior repre- did much to bring friendliness and [un to all the sentative from each fraternity. Each council sororities and fraternities. [unctions separately but works with the other to The ofllcers of the councils wcre : form the Pan Hellenic Council. The president of Interfraternity serves as the president, while the INTCRSORORlTY president of Tnte.rsorority is the other officer. Firsl. Semes/.el Second Semester l ntersororitv this year, with Mrs. Kordalcwski President: Angelu as faculty adviser, kepi the tradition of Sadie Vice.presidelil.: Crothers Sonya Wille Hawkins alive by eponsoring the annual dunce in the Blanche Ward Gym. President Ensor pre- CharlOllc Janney Mary Ruth Williams sented the lntersororitv Scholarship Cup to Secretarv-Treosurer: Sigma Sigma Tau at a tea in November. The Mary K. Wills Doris Joiner council served food provided by the Senior Class Social Director: to senior carolers on the morning before Christ. .lune Beever Martha Buchman mas vacation. Second semester's activities INTERFRATERNITY included an T ntersororitv basketball tournament, Presidesu: bridge tournament, spring rush teas and parties. Malcolm Metlzer James Culhane Interfraternity, under the auspices of the Vice-president: Interfraternity Athletic Council, set up all inn-a- Louis Pietro forte Jay Eggly mural sports program, and in addition to its Secretary: routine Function of regulating hiddings and Harry Lerew Ed Rydzewski smokers, innovated an Annual Bridge and Ping- Trcasurer: pong Tournament, setting: up a Bridge Trophy Millard LesCallette Mickey McCall lNTERFRATI~RNITY Scaled: Mukolm l\1e1lz~l. Jilll Culhalle, Lou Pielro· forie, l\1icker l\1cCull, Jay EggI)", Milch Tullui.SIHrIlI ill!,: John Spenser. [lill Schedcr, Larry Bailey. Roland La)'IOll, Roger Eyler. Jolon Isaac. Paul Welliver, illillard Lcs- Calleuc. Phil Sack, Dick Cohen. Bill Callas.
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