Page 97 - YB1950
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sororilies and fraternities, spons, tbc news- This yel!' we elected an editor lind business paper, and other acuvirics on the call1pliS manager for Llle Aloha, and presidents of the This year passed quickly and i1.was once more SCA from among our classmates. Several of Limc to say "so long" to room-mates, class- our members were appointed to the Gold Bug mates, and friends, Staff. Tile clramar.ic an stlldenl~ presented Freshmen, sophomores, and now juniors- the Junior Plays> while other talented juniors This year we returned with an even greater participated in the television shows which feeling of "bclongingncss.' Several weeks after brougln much recognition 10 our school. school started, we elected Lou Picu-oforte and Perhaps the spoLlighl 01' t.hc year should be Bill Simpson as our president and vice-presi- directed upon the Junior Weekend. We, as dent. At this time June Beaver, Peggy Kerns, a class, enjoyed working under our more tal. and Alice Yearley were elected as treasurer, secretary, and historiau respectively, to ass is I cmcd classmates in planni'lg a Junior Follies the class in their tremendous responsibilities based upon tradition. The next night. the as the "Jolly Juniors." Junior-Senior prom was held in honor of the One of the higlrligills of the year was tire Senior Class. winning of the Mason-Dixon football tillc- The ),car drew [0 a dose, leaving us with thanks to a great. team on which Juniors were many pleasant rncrnoi-ies. As the traditional well represented. As for [he Junior gir-ls. they senior activities, such as Rose Cup and Lan. walked off with honors on tbe athletic field tern Chain, were carried out, we realized that by winning the hockey championship in corn- /lOW we were Seniors and that next year would petition wilh other class teams. he vety important and eventful I'D!' us. JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS LOll i'icll'oforle, Pr~sirll~"/; junc Heaver. TreflSllrel'; Alice Ycade)'. Hi,\'/(nilll/; I'eggy Kerns. !lill Si'IIPS(lIl. Vic~·J>/'~si"~,,' 93
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