Page 93 - YB1950
P. 93
HARRY 13, BRIGHT EL1ZAI3ETH l\ilcCANN 183 W. A-Iain Street Moum St. Mary's College wesuuinsrer, Mel. Emmitsburg, Md. If, tn; Ofjira,,·· ell/I, I. II (Trt'II,I'I"'{'I): Ddln Phys, eel. and hiology major. plans LO leach ','Charlie," Irish ballad singer. proud , daily commuter from ML St. Mary's Col- fa.lher of baby boy. . AI~\bod} want a sand lege where hubby goes to school ... : quiet wich P' reads current lncrature 011 how 1,0 , . unassumIng sports and klillung hel care for babies "always good for a laugh hobby, Bcny. "Colonel." RICHARD l'vIOULTHROP WILLIAM CLINE 70tJ \Valnl!t Avenue IOl Shaeffer Avenue Baltimore, Md. westminster, Md. "Ed" ,transfer from Towson in June of "Dick" ... commuter from Baltimore '48 concise .. papa of a prelly little girl bi?logy major surrounded by pets or all clas- . dislikes hair-spliuers avoids putting sificauons .: , , plans to enter government work himself out all a limb ... object in life: always Anne .. genial persona!ity and ready wit of all Iuture plans. a part to do what he very well wishes, RICHARD A. CLOWER CLELIA BOUSHEE NOSS 506 woodlawn Terrace Bond Street, Ext. Cumberland, l\'id. Westminster, Md, Soccer II, lll; IJlIskcl/ml/ If, Ill, 11'; GIl/iIlJIII !Jcla Chi Transfer student in senior year 110111 l\1.IIY Washington. student and housewife all at "Dick" ... mail! interests-his beautiful wife once. bridge enthusiast of day and baby, .. stamp collector, .. efficient offi- interests center around husband and 1'00111 English ... cial of in terfrat games plans 1.0 teach, coach, and raise big family ... "weak but major, . horseback riding in leisure lime. willing." KYLE W. RESH DONALD 1\1. DEN HARD 205 Shaeffer Avenue 2708 Chelsea Terrace wesouinster, Md. Baltimore IG, Md. An ex-C.1. who divides his Lime between horne Economics ell,[l lll, IV in Vetville and the chemistry lab ... hard- working ... friendly .. , one of the few sen- Daily commuter from Baltimore ... hard- working ceo» major ... strong affection for iors to obtain it B.S. degree . has qualities home life ... has taken every child study that make (or a successful future, course 011 the Hill .. holds the atomic bomb no more horrifying rhan Spanish. HARRY C. SCHRECK 207 Shaeffer Avenue JAMES R. HANDLER Westminster, Md. 18 New Windsor Road DdJIIliHg Team; Dell" Pi 11/1)1/11 westminster, MeL The perpetual student ... decided to obtain Jim biology major. married and Vet- rna th major before taking degree "married villian . good-natured guy ... day hop who and proud father of baby girl, interested likes the campus. v always willing to lend a in debating . vet of PaciFIC war, "Now buck ... always cheerful, always friendly. when Baltimore was a prairie." 89
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