Page 98 - YB1950
P. 98
As gay young Sophomores, we entered OUI From the stan of the year, we showed our second year of learning with a renewed spirit exuberance by extending a helping hand to which the summer vacation had given us. the starry-eyed Freshmen and bringing them Under the capable leadership of our presi- down to earth by means of a well-executed dent, Jack Lambert, and vice-president, Libby initiation. \,Vith the dearest memories of our Schubert, we strove to make a name for our OWIl initiation, we made sure each Freshman class. The achievements were noted by sec- wore his new-style beanie and not 01)1)' carried retary DOL tie Shoemaker, and were recorded his rules but obeyed them 10 the letter. for posterity by our historian, Corinne Scho- Much has been achieved by us as indi- field. The finances of the class were handled viduals and as a class. by the treasurer, Millard Lescallen. Scholasrically speaking, we can be quite
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