Page 95 - YB1950
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hardships of initiation. Classes, chapel, social The turn of the century was also a turning gatherings continued to keep us busy. Despite point, in our lives. Hie were to be let out into all our efforts, we were learning. we never the world by our Alma Mater to carry Out realized exactly how much we knew until we the ideas and ideals which we had built up came face to face with final examinations. during our "golden days" The traditions, t.he Even they couldn't quench our thirst for professors, the friends have enriched our lives knowledge. immeasurably. These "college tics can ne'er we came back for more in our t.hird year. he broken" although we shall travel diverse \·Ve did lose some 01: our classmates but they paths. Homecoming will take on a new mean- shall always be a part of our memor-ies. Now ing 1'01' us now, as once more we return the Jolly Juniors were really here to stay. And horne to the Hill to renew old friendships yet we could look ahead to Lire rime when we and recall happy times and would no longer be an active part of vV.M.C. moments which were a pan of us for such a we sponsored the j unior-Senior Prom and short while. \'Ve arc older and wiser because realized the next one would be for us. The or our sojourn here and it is our wish thar Rose Cup Ceremony in honor of the Seniors western Maryland has profited by -us. brought this realization closer to us. 91
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