Page 92 - YB1950
P. 92
EDWARD HERBERT WRIGHT Box 152, Route #1 Manassas, v» po~~CS~ICSlaugh none can imitate , plans a career of missionary work Libby Howard U. for graduate studies. never lost an argument yet creator of innumerable bull sessions with the "guys" across the hall. WENDELL YOUNG P. O. Box 628 Middlebrook Road Stanton, Va. Pi .'lIplll< Alpl", A little bit or llohemia at W. )'\'1. C. ., easily recognized by his long black hair and collection of painted lies . plans to study interior design in N. Y. terrific, talented artist .. should go far with his original ideas ... fascinated by .$3.50 Clu-isrmas trees nor only from the South, but from "Virg'inia" selected group of friends make college more bearable. LEONARD J. ZAWACKI 94 Newport Street Glen Lyon, Pa. ':' III; oon« I'i AI/lhll (Sgl"III·Arms Ill, Tr~lIsll"er IV); FOOl "Spiv" ... ex-Marine econ major, psych minor aspires to enter business world in either sales or production as rel!el Iroru studies, sells automobiles. extremely neat dresser. burning amhition to make a million before he's forty. 88
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