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-. proud of ourselves. we bit into the work, no more in regrated pan or college life. ThroLlg'h maucr how hard, at the very outset of the the efforts of the "Irats" our social life was year and conunucd it lip LO the end. Neither brightened by the successful dances they spon new faces among; the Iaculrv nor the tests and sorcd, beginning will] tile Homecoming Dance pop quizzes the professors gave daunted us and climaxing with the Pan Hellenic Dance, one iota. we carne OUt victorious over the sponsored by botl] sororities and fraternilies, final exams at the end 0[' each semester kallll"ing a name band. The concerts and We accomplished a great' deal urhleucally. dramatic productions added much to our rul- In the major Sports of Iootball, soccer, bas- urra l lire. Clubs in almost every lield of inter- ketball and lacrosse, we were ably represented. est were open to us and clairncd much of our lmrarnural spons claimed the attention of attention. A~ Far as social achievements were Illlmy more Sophomores and much skill was concerned, we gained a greal number or new exhibited. To all the games, we turned OUI interests and acquired sophistication. in large numbers to raise our voices in cheers In relrospect, the events of our sophomore led by members of our class on the cheering year were memorable ones and many will squad. never be Forgotten. we can now look forward The privilege of becoming a member of a with anticipation 10 the secrets awailing us Iraremiry or sorority was presented to us, as we become the Junior class. thus giving us an opportunity 10 become a SOPHOi'\,IORE CLASS OFFICERS )\lill;, ...1 Les.::!ielle, TrfJiI,I''''f:,,; Corinne Schof\cld, Hilllol'illll; Lil)h)' Schubert. Vier Prcsidcnt; DOllie Shoemaker, Sea~/f")'; Jack Lall\hel'l, I'resid~II/. Y5
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