Page 101 - YB1950
P. 101
10 lace wilh man)' subjects whidl were unfa- Ont: of 0111' lirst duties second semester was miliar 10 us. Between lhe studies we found to elect Our class olliccrs. AS;I result of Ihe lillie for sports, brnh varsity and inu'airun-al, election, the rest. of the class lluivities was in which our class showed great spirit and planned under the leadership of the following- enthusiasm. Clubs of all types opened their- officers: Presillellt, Ashby Cothns: Vice-pres: Ine,nbersilip 10 Freshmen, and we eagerly dem, Art Shanklin: Scrgca.u-at-Ar.ns. Robert nied our Iiamls at rhein. The dances were Smyth: Treasurer, jim Moore; Secretary Dar- (Illite popular and looked forward 10 with great expectancy. we all worked cru.husjas- bara Davidson. Our picnic at Cascade had been a class out- ticaHy on our Homecoming projects, so we ing long anticipated and showed cxccltent 100 could teet a part of the cxcircrnent that results of careful planning and hard work. was so prevalent for weeks before the big Swiltllning, good food, and entertainment event. Never before had we seen such plans ill progress, and we wanted our first Horne. made the day pass all too quickly. cOllliug to be one 01' the best. In lime lor liS \Vit,1I the arrival of Couuncnccment, we 1,0 carch our breath, Christmas vacation rolled realized that we had actually completed it around. I'el'y hard year at ''''estern Marylanrl-c-and Fillal exams and our first grades in college with all the work, there had been mally good were the main thoughts 01' each of us as we times. In llle spirit. of 0111' first campus year, began th)" new year. 'A/e added our noted we, the class of 1953, plan to keep going (01'- spirit to the cheers [or the basketball team. ward. FRESHMAN CLASS OFFICERS L to R.ยท Ashby Collins. President; An Shanklin, 97
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