Page 57 - YB1950
P. 57
RUTH CHRISTINE HOLLAND 1201 Camden Avenue Salisbury. Md. Hoclw)' 1, II, III. IV; SO/I/",/II, II, III, IV; II'/U I,ll, III, !II; H,,,"c Ea",omics GIIl/; III, IV; De/III "Ruthie' . a Salisbury gal with all effervescent personality always tripping the light fantastic in the rcc hall proud of her \·Vr..-t and M earned as an athlete efficient and con. scienuous interested in music future first grade teacher "Guess what happened now?" "L'm a Dclt." KENNETH PRESTON HOOVER RL #3 Frederick, Md. I. I~. Ill; G/IIII/JIII {Jelll Chi III (CorresjJ01Iding I",),), Ken . a smile for everyone ... hails From Frederick. ~~~~~:;lt;; ~'1;1~~~~'wom~il~ ~\;~:f~nir~l~a:ll~:~~~ ~1~;~rChi avi(~I~~)I~~.\~~ man . hu~1ting and fishing aCCOUlllS for most of his cuts. guns a Favorite topic personnel work and "jo" in future. HOWARD HORNER Hampstead, Md Day hop from ncar Ihe 20 Mile House ." agrees uiar marriage and college can m~x . transfer from Geor:gia Tech can' usually be found In grille or clay room giVing the boys fatherly advice . quiet and reserved un til you know 111111, then zowie! . another- econ major always ready for a good card game but doesn't slight the books. 53
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