Page 53 - YB1950
P. 53
BRYAN B. HADDAWAY 654 Evergreen Avenue Cluu-louesvifle, Va. "Bumps." so nicknamed from concussion obtained (rom fall when a kid yOllnger member of Haddaway twins. entering world six minutes after Kinzer ukelele major and barbel shop harmony miurn- serenades Blanche \Vani on moon-light nights with "Hack" .. active Preacher first. semester prexy plans to enter social work. KLEIN K. HADDAWAY, JR. G.I)·J Evergreen Avenue Charlouesvitle, Va. Clwi)" I. II, III. IV; C'"l1e,." ellll, I: F,·"",;" CI,o/I II, III; Dc/In Pi ;lIpli(1 Ex-GI. Arthur Murray's chil.d prodigy. "Kinxer' senior hair of the twins ... pracuces finesse In both clothes and bridge . " of local opera fame (remember the singing preacher in "Down in the Valley"'?) "The Cascade Kid" loves weck-cnding in New York "Let's go to the Rec." HOWARD HAINES Rl.. 1 Finksburg, Md. Col/e!;e f>lfI)"cl;I flf, III; Pi //1/1"" 11I{J11O; 1II"Is S),III/lO.l";II111 fll, IF; ill.OIIA IV; ClIO;" II' Man of many abilities-an, drama, writing party boy with interesting summers casual dress and manner which his many friends admire memorable performances as "the villain" and "Mr. Jones" . want to find him anyumej-c-look in the grille. 49
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