Page 61 - YB1950
P. 61
j'\'IILLARD B. KNOWLES '1106 Idaho Avenue Baltimore 6, Md 11'':51'')"011.\'1,1/1 Dar-hop from Baho plans to attend Perkins Seminary ar S. M. U. and enter rural ministry best described as big' and frie.ndly ambuion personified. holds down several jobs at one ume, doe~ all well rang In the New Year with wedding bells. CHARLES J KOBOSKO 2 Main Street Mocanaqua,l'a. Ddlll Pi Alpll,,; Foot/mil I, fl. /11, IV, F. T. tI III, II' "Kobo" the agitator with his passion for women exceeded only by his passion for hill-billy music _ always seen in the grille surrounded by history books and the fairest of the fair sex combines hearty laug:tller with distinctive vocalizations ... a varsity rOOlbal! player lor three years. plans to coach football and teach hisrorv in Pennsylvania "The Look." JOANNE KOEHLER H20 Beach Street Pnnstnwn, Pa. INC /; FWIlr.h CI"I) /; Ddlo oSi!!,,,,,, K,,/,/)o; Go/d illig III, 11'; ALOIIA /1' A psych major and econ minor Lakes a good deal of ribbing about her hometown, Pcustown . a born prankster _ corn- hines with Rita to keep r.hc firsr floor of B. W. in a turmoil easily recognized by her revolutionary hair-dos and distinctive walk vivacious personality and good fun. 57
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