Page 54 - YB1950
P. 54
\VAL TER J HAJDUK 1109 Liberty Street Camden, N,.f. Vllrsily FOOI!;"I/ III, IV; Varsi!), Illl.,'kell",11 III, II' "Waldo" center pivot man of the Terror court. with a hook ~110t that tlc~ds w,~tching . vcrsatile man of Ihe gridiron eleven . r1lg'illly inhabitam 01 the rec room ami darly in the grille . connoisseur of good food .. pensive llilture beneath lively pcrsonaliry sincere, dependable friend worldly Casanova. VANSON HALE 216 E. Lancaster Avenue Wayne, Pa. Dc/III Pi 1'11/)"0; {JrlSlu:lblll/ I, fl. Ill, 11'; Foollurl! MIII"'g~r II, III, IV; Of IiĀ· cr:r,,' CIIII, III. II' "Cinch" . a Pennsylvania lad with fondness for brown eyes always ready for a good time slow grin classy man with a basketball. plans future in die business world. capab!e manager of the football team ccon major with politi- cal science minor. SUZANNE HALL Marion Station, Mel. Delill Sigma KIII)lm (C"II/Ilaill II); Scc1'clllry of elm" tV; lI(1s"~i1)(111 1; F, T. A, III, IV "Sue" future teacher .. quiet but possesses an amazing sense of humor . famous for her "u-uc" stones ... proud of her Eastern Shore heritage rarely says much, but when she does, people usually listen. " : ,loves to repair electrical appli- anccs . remarkable vocal ahilines especially when teamed with roommate. 50
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