Page 55 - YB1950
P. 55
CHARLES HArvli\:IER, JR. +! Ridge Road Catonsville 28, j\'rd. Rifle Team 1; Sgl.·/II·AI'IIIS "-reslmlllll CI",<,~I.: Tract: t, IV; 'Tri-Beta Ill, /11 (Vice'/lI'csir/(:>1I); S. C. II. en/Jim:1 IV; Pi .uou« Alp!1Il (Secret"ry IV) "Charlie" ... headed fat' IVied School .. industrious studcm warm smile and personality .. a sincere friend. four years with the "Dundalk Dandy"-and liked ill. enjoys good lllUSIC . plays fiddle in college orchestra variety or interests spends summers as ;1 counsellor at a camp in Maine. ADA LEE HARDESTER 1'100 Markel Street Pocomoke City, Mel. ct.osr I, n, nt, IV; Glee CIIII! I, II, Ifl, II'; OrC"~M"" nt, tV; Gold IJllg Ill, IV (MIlIlIlgi"g £d;lor); At/,I' S)''''jmsj''lIi Iff (Sam/rllY),- SCtl Firc,lide Com. ",illee; /J(ls/tr;lilllll !; /UC II; Ar.ou., IV; Argo"'III/,' fll, !II Mickey . leads second life at Levine hall .. too well rerneru- bcrcd for her adventure with the violin. pianist superb "Spicer can't even work this problem!" . ever lovely and curly hair which always to provoke the comment "But it looks horrible!" a special flair for smart clothes personality with a bounce. WrLLlMvJ M. HENRY 100 Edgewood Road Towson, Mel. Pi AI/JIIII A/phil; Colf~ge pfllyr!)',f II, III, IV; ,.h·,,- S.l'III/J{),I;1I111 III, IV Bill . sleepy eyed Black and While handy man . psychology major with an eye on graduate school. "Whru do you do with this physics problem?". . member of backstage ream of Baile)' and Henry veteran of three years service in navy blue likes contemporary classical music ... dabbles in modern art contends daily wid) lire's conflict between studies and the sack. 51
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