Page 62 - YB1950
P. 62
ANTHONY KONSTANT 1707 Windemcre Avenue Baltimore IS, i'\'ld. Ddll1 t-s ill/,I", (p,.e,ir/{ml IV) "Tony" to all his many friends industrious member of Delta Pi Alpha Ianmus for growth of beard for his star perform- ance of Banhalo in "Figaro' all ardent chess player and mathematical genius, whose day runs from 3:00 LO 3:00 'lis capa~ity for sleep keeps roommate Cilris winding alarm dock perfect host and gentleman "Get me lip lor breakfast." JOSEPH KOVALEVSKJ 3606 Parkdale Avenue Baltimore II, i\IcI. II'I.<{:/",II fl; Golf III, II'; Ildw Pi AI/,I", "The \Vandercr" commutes from Baltimore but can always be found on campus. glvcs generously of umc and cnclg) 10 the Preachers all around Ir,ltCrnllY
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