Page 56 - YB1950
P. 56
ROBERT R. HERSHBERGER 112 E. Penn Street Bedford, Pa. flf;f\LOIIAflf,II'(Jld"a. "Bob" ... pride of Bedford . sends semaphore .in his sleep .. often seen pushIng a red wagon down the Hill . disc collector whose taste varies From bop to Brahms. to \Vagncr sports enthusiast with a yen for Sherry "Broncs" really headed places. jAi\'JES EDWARD HIGGINS 926 W. Main Street Frostburg, Md. I.U.C. t, Officers' Club; Gold J!II/!, /V (ChCII/oli"" J\I"'wga); ALOHA Slliff J. c. "\Vedg'e Head" found his way to the "Hill" from the mountains of western Maryland. always takes the practical view can talk on any subject bill likes to converse about Sport personalities boy pedagogue better not talk against the Irish when be's around as circulation m"nager can be seen distributing Gold /1IIg "Woodr-ow!" CLINTON HISLE 5632 Kansas Avenue Washingwn. D. C. Gill/OlIO IIdll Chi,- I;Cf!llolllics Clld,; CII>I/t:rlJP/r)' Club "Clint" talents are legion extracurricular interests in Baltimore spends his afternoons in the art lab for an's sake favorite hobby is translating Cervantes. plans to go into Investment banking' loyal member of the Gamma Bets. 52
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