Page 43 - YB1950
P. 43
DONALD D. DENNY 201 Shaeffer Avenue Westminster, Mel. Fool./1II1I I, IV,. Ilo.\'jllg I, II, IV; Ddmlj"g II; De/III /'j Ilip/Ili "Mick" .. came to W. M. C. after three years with the Navy .. married jane in '47 . favorite city-Baltimore. loves Iootbal! and boxing . perennial smile always ready with a joke "What's the best way 10 square a circle?" RICHARD D[ENER 59[0 Park Heights Avenue Baltimore, Md. "Big Dick" all cccn major "Cceze" ... interest in Gloria .. as fr-icndly as he is big a walking jokebook . wedding: bells in ncar future . hits a mean ping·pong ball. "joe Dimaggio is the greatest" . always watching the figlus on TV "I"H bel a coke on the fight." DAN 01 ETRICH 202 wirnen Avenue \Veslminster. Md. Transfer from Hopkins lives in Verville . part-rime mili. tarisr . . good neighbor to Dr, Mac .. math major who is taking education this semester to learn how to leach. . mter- csted in the drama quiet and unassuming but can always 'be depended on. 39
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