Page 41 - YB1950
P. 41
T. RONALD DASHIELL Mardela Springs, Md. N.if/e Te(11I1 I, ff; Frencil CI,d, /; lIas/wllmll I; S. C. iI. /; .'II/,'m Call1ll''' "/"1111 Veteran of Air Force . a married man who is proud 01" his "Gin" a biolog-y major definitely interested in Civil Service . usuallv found in lab takes notes galore but needs a trans- l;~tor to interpret them .. has thc strange hobby of "mule- killing" .. likes to hunr and fish .. has a tendency 10 shoot rue hull sincere and earnest most of the Lillie. EVA I\"lAY DAVIS 6802 Windsor 1..,1ill Road Balumorc 7, Md. Sill/rill)' S,.""o/ I, ff. 11,. IV (l'I"I'.,j. n, IIf, IV; Co'd /Jug ""J'lml f; Fl"elJ('I, "Evil" only public school music major Norma's Iwin . always a smile always friendly. g:ay personality. "Girh. you're llsing your six o'clock voices" always I'usiliug Blanch,e ward will long' remember those hOI dogs at ten cnrtius.asuc worker for Wcsleyancucs and Sunday School. BETTY LOU DAY 10(i Willis Sn-eer '·VCSl.minSlCr, Md. Pl,i Alplill ,II,,; f"II'/lIII"m! SIIOI-I.\'; F. T, A. IIf, IV '·R. Day' .. harmony cruhusinst ... competent athlete mainstay 01"any Phi Alph cmcruunmem .. when Lhey yell [or "morc,", they really mean Day. "It's good to sec you!" abounding good spirits blue De SOlO often seen [raveling From \Veslminsler hOllic 10 the Hill. 37
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