Page 39 - YB1950
P. 39
JOSEPH A. CORLETO 213 Fulton Street i\-Iecl(orti, Mass. I, II, III, IV; flm:ing I, II, 111,1/1; Twc/( I; Laero.I"1: II; De/la Pi "joe" . all-Maryland Lackl~ for the Green ream . runncr-up for heavyweight championship one of the boys from Mass. excellent ccon student . a friend indeed to all from Patine area aboard minesweeper "L'm going 10 buy a car." HENRY A. CORRADO Ii Hersh Avenue \Veslminslcr,Md. f'oolillilll, II, fll, II' (C"j}laill),' oeu« Pi Alphll ("/"'-1:11."".",. fll, IV); Ecollomics Club "Hank" LO his friends "Ha;llillering Hank" on the football field . captain of the '49 Terrors originally from Medford, Mass. nowaday-hop married proud owner of one black cat . ccou nH1Jor . hopes LOrei ire at an early age and raise chickens in Bermuda. JOHN D. COSTLOW, JR. 524 Overbrook Road Baltimore 12, Md. e/wir III; Tri·/klli Ill, 11'; I'i II/plIO Alplw II' "Cosw" transfer from Towson alternates between the sack and nrc bioI lab .. lab assistant who thrills Freshmen women .. own unique brand or humor cunning behind 1IIOSt of the occasional riots in Section I, A. N. \V. .. always ready for a good "discussion" tomiders women irrelevant . diligent worker noted for calm, comlllanding barit.onc 35
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