Page 47 - YB1950
P. 47
JONAS ESHELi\'IAN 819 Oakhill Avenue Hagerstown, Md. Datta Pi All!IIII: ECOIIOlflic£ ell'/; ·;Jo' ... economics major witb a sociology minor "jo-uass" plays bridge whenever he has the opportunity known as the Criper . plans for Lhe future arc indefinite.. set some SOrt of record when he lived with the l'vlunroes for over tWO years. STANLEY FlELDi'vIAN 2434 Lakeview Avenue Baltimore 17, Mel. 1'00/1)//1/ I, II, III, IV; Dellli n :lIp/iii; fllll"lll/JI"·IlI IJIl...llcll!ll1/ oml Softball Our boy "Forest" . the elder of the Fieldmun twins ... main. spring of the Green Terror backfield. . Bill Stern ofWMC . infectious laugh rircless worker for any worthy cause .. looks forward La a teaching and coaching career I.he Buddy Janette of the frat basketball team. ROBERT T. FINK Thurmont, Md. Ddta I'i illp/ilI; ticonomics CI'I/; II' Bob favorite historical character-Lord Calvert. fanatic dub member ... veteran of three years service and eight Hurt courses. ready, willing and able for all activities. _ . good party companion. snappy dresser .. fond of spectator sports . breakfasts law in the grille .. seldom serious except about Many. 43
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