Page 42 - YB1950
P. 42
DOlUS DAY Oanhcrsburg. Md. 'Irl.< SYllljlosill1ll III, IV; Gle~ C/'I(' II, nt, IV; ,..,.,:"~,, C/III) Ill, II' Graduate or ,"\'fonlgomery Junior College. . doesn't mind bcillg less popular lor her singing than another D. D. a wonder on the harmonica and piano--at the same time magnetic personality incomparable wil. always willing LO lend a ro-be-cned-on-shoutder . knows French, German and Spanish looking forward to a long vacation "Gorgeous!" STEPHEN W. DErTER Springfield State Hospital Sykesville, wId. Alj;/m CII""I/I' rou, r-i-no, III, tv, l/rgOl/lwls 11/, /1' "Steve" consiam Dean's lister. . enters U. or ]1'1. medical school upon graduation . enviable intellect . plays a keen game of tennis ... started school here soon after arr-ival from Europe admirable abilities with languages adds conu ncntn l flavor 10 \'Veslern Maryland campus. FRANKLIN DENNIS Powellsville. Md. t/rgoHllllls," Il'eslc)'anl "Frank" ... served more than two years with the U. S. Navy .. transferred to \'V. M. C. from Salisbury SLate Teachers' in .June, 19'19 illter~SI,s center around his wife and Lhrce-ye.,11 old dnugfuer alter graduation plans to enter ]vfethochst Seminary. 38
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