Page 38 - YB1950
P. 38
GRACE ELAYNE CLOSE Calvert Co ur-t Aprs. BalLimore 18, Md. Sigllia Sigma T"" (Jlicc·Presidell/ III) "Gracie" charter member of the -l th Hoot- B.W.H. Charac- ters' Club noteworthy efforts to pass chcmistr),-wimess pur- ple fingers and test tubes on bu.reau .. "Here's to you, Rebel Close" can be lured from single room on slightest provoca- tion "Aha, I thought so, that's III)' pencil!" LA RUE COBLENTZ 354 Main Sueet Reisterstown, Mel. Glee CI"I) /; S. C. ;/.; Cottcge Player .• /1'; /n/a Gamm" Chi; S"m/,,}, Selln,,/ Vivacious girl meaningful, sparkling eyes "I think I'll take a nap .. bands have a fascination for her known to her friends as "little old La Rue" interested in the alumni ol w. IVf. C. "And T took this course 'cause I thougln it was going to be a snap!". pleased because she learned 10 play canasta . red dominates her wardrobe. R.A.LPH R. COCKEY Stevensville, J\"ld. illJilw G"mllw "l'a" Ralph. bcuer known as "EG1.>)''' hails [rom Eastern Shore .. quite a man about lh.e campus .. kind and cousidernn likes biology and a certain redhead from S. M. S. plans 1.0 teach has had a Brooklyn roommate three years but doesn't speak Brooklyncsc keeping' in cigarcnes is the bane of his lik. 34
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