Page 46 - YB1950
P. 46
JULIAN L DYKE, JR. '1708 Garrison Boulevard Baltimore 15, j\'Id. Foo11Hi11I, u, !II, II'; 1)1,",,:/),,11I, 11, Ill, tV; l)dla n Alplill: IlIlmulllml IIt/slieil",1/ t, ll, Ill, III; !lIlmllll/ml ,1I1i/die COllllci/ "/ulie" stalwart athlete in intercollegiate and inu-amurnl circles disciple of Descartes. . "Pride of Forest Park" preparing 10 enter the coaching field . easy going but a fightcr [or what he wants ... history major with a phys ed minor . baseball co-captain as junior, wad} as senior. HOMER CALVIN EARLL 16+ Brompton Road Garden City, N. Y. February graduate . plans 10 go into lumber business with his Dad. appreciates thc beuer type of Tllllsic? hails [rom Gar- den City, but his heart belongs to Glen Ridge .. former ROTC colonel and recent pigeon enthusiast popular spore's ediror of Gold Bug and Aloha. has an engagement (1) 10 return to g-raduation next }'car. RACHEL ENNIS Parsonsburg, Md. CI,"! Iff; FTA tn, IV; Ilrgom'II/., III, tv: SigillI! chewing gum connoisseur. . dramatic an student (remember (\-lis5 Ronbcn-y in "The Corn is Green"?) . . addicted to short naps in the afternoon .. veteran or a semester in the Education Departmenc "I don't know uihcn I've been so hungry!" 42
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