Page 171 - YB1950
P. 171
Corleto accepts congratulations S~il'llld $olnIl10'1 squad went 011 to win 70!'V2 in opening sil,i\ting a loss 01" the first three weights without test of the season. LeFew was to carry a punch being thrown. Corlew walked off off the draw that everted a Though with an easy decision, but the Cardinals losing, Solomon Iougiu against the won 7·1. Cadcu defending liglll hcavywciglu champ In mid·March, the Eastern Intercollegiate The next march saw Penn State race Boxing Association Tournament was held at through seven straig'ht bouts successfully umi! Syracuse. The Green Terrors were repre· joe Ccrlcto, ill perhaps the best fight of the scntcd by Lerew, Samakour-is, Dennv, and season, earned a clean decision over the Coi-leto. none of whom were succcssful i;l their defending E.I.B.A: beavyweigjn c!lalllp bids for titles. Denny surprised most observers A second rnecung with American U. was with his savag'e resistance to Army's Perc Mon. cancelled Eagles g~\'c lip boxing f~r f~rc, who cveruuallv won the 175'P?und class the season. hurt agaIn in the Caiholir diadem. Corlew was jinxed ag
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