Page 175 - YB1950
P. 175
LACROSSE Although the lacrosse ream SInned off: the develop ,I smoorh-running team. In spire 0(' season with an ll-I loss to \'Villiams College, the stin: competition that they will meet .. urc Coach Edward Sparrow is optimistic about team has ,I good ch;lncc of a good season the outlook [or l.he rest 0(' the scusou. So 1<11 No definite assignments have been made as the stickl~len have had liltle opporturutv LO practice. wben the players have had more yet, but Tony Byron, Bill Rhoads, and Joe chance to go through their paces, there should Cortcto will probably be the defense, while Dan Honemann, Hugh COIJIlCi!J, and Ed Klohr act as the mainstays of the midfield Stiekmen t~ke a breather posuions. Heading (lie attack dcpan.menr will be such players as Norm Needle, Vince landau, and Hob Eberl. The goal position will be filled by Bill Dvor-ine and !-(;11TY LeFew. Coach Sr:llTOW has been Iortun.ue in 11'IV. ing all adequate supply 0(' reserves upon which to draw. ln the defense reserve, we find Walt Hajduk, Ed Crawford, .md Hob Earhan., Jerry Ginsberg, Dick Macleod, and An Shanklin will be on hand (Q fill the mid. field position, and ready to lead the attack arc Paul Thronberg, Hal Wagon blast, and Rill Bangis. 171
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