Page 167 - YB1950
P. 167
Howdy Myers' routed Jackie Lay and Lloyd Buming . fina l whistle blcw, the .score was western I\Iaryland-35; Hopkins-7. No one will Forget Moon Paul's spccracula. touchdown! l t wuuld be impossible LO list. the best players of lhis Wiliest because the wholc team played an ollL~l.a11l1ing game. With the Hopkins game, the 19'19 season came to an "end. It had been a thrilling sea- son-a wonderful football year. Giannelli makes the tackle as Margarita hurries up to help. Hoffa Field Hampden-Sidney Hoffa FicId ("lontecoming) 2:") Franklin and Mnrshall Lancaster, P;L 12 johns Hopkins Ballinlore, Mel 35 Totals 209 no Fieldmao fumbl ... 00 Washington College 30 as Jim Eiring makes tackle SUMMARY OI)/)OllclIl. Score W.M.e. Opp. Dickinson Carlisle, Pa 27 Gettysburg GCll)'sbllrg, 1'(1. 21 Lebanon Valley Lebanon, Pa. Washington College Horr
   162   163   164   165   166   167   168   169   170   171   172