Page 168 - YB1950
P. 168
Fir.1I row: C. Hammaker, E. Makow,ki, W. Han, I~:.Rydzewski, L. Lathroum, H. Phipps, V. Hale, I'. Sack, D. Sandier. Second row: Coach Ferguson, R. Rhyne, R. Langrall, N. Brown, H. Henderson, A. Wood, J, Boyer. Tlihd rene; Coach jacobsen. J. Moore, R. Shivers, R. Cohen, R. Kaufman, J, Deering, F. Collins. BASKETBALL in recent years, rue basketball teams at ['0 a slow start, hit their stride in mid-season, western Maryland have been prone to get off and finish with a rush and a playoff berth. This year, the boopsters, under the tutelage of Coach Bruce Ferguson, followed [his gen- eral pattern but faded in the closing games, thereby closing ou.t the season without quali- fying for the conference playoffs. Through- out the season, this [cam played interesting, lively bal! even in the role of loser. In al! three lion-conference games that pre. ceded the Christmas holiday, the Terrors were on the short end of the score. Lebanon Valley visited the home court and dumped the local boys in a close ~olltest, 79-77. Art Pre~s gave an exhibition ot things to come by racking up 30 points. within the following week, the Green team had bowed LO Wagner by a 63-'J6 count, and to nearby Dickinson by 70-57. Washington College was the first conference foe. The sharemen won a rluiller, 57-56, as Press was held La eight points, his lowest score for any game. Bill Press and the entire Terror aggTegation rebounded in their (irst confer- cnce game at homc by surprising Catholic U. 76-70. Press was responsible for thirty points in this encounter. Press tries a shot from the side. At this point the roof appeared to have lathroum thrcws-e-e nd makes it. fallen in on the WwG '""\::
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